October 2024


October Circuit Rider newsletter | October Calendar


Ongoing Events

Women’s Bible Study (in-person)
Mondays, at 9:30 am.
On September 16 they begin a new study on the book, What to Do When you Don’t Know What to Do, by Dr. David Jeremiah. The author walks you through the book of James to glean God’s wisdom on issues such as finances, faith and decision making. The book is available on Amazon. Questions, please call Barb Parse.

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study (in-person)
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study. Breakfast is at 8:30 am on Mondays. The Bible Study begins at 9:30, and we are studying: Journey through the Bible: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations. All men are welcome! Contact Jim Davis for information.

Sunday Bible Study taught by Joey Olson
Let’s come together for study and fellowship. Grab your cookie and coffee and plan to start at 11:20, meeting in the Disciple room. Bring your Bible. The study of Hebrews begins September 29.   You are welcome to join us any Sunday you can!
This study will continue during the month of October (but not meeting on the 13th and 20th). Thomas Long, a Presbyterian theologian, says this about the book: “Among the books of the New Testament, the epistle to the Hebrews stands out as both strange and fascinating.” All are welcome!

Morning Prayer Group meets Thursdays in the Disciple Room at 9:15 am.
Pastor Desi leads this prayer group which is for anyone who wishes to come. It has a simple structure and lasts 45 minutes.


Upcoming Events:

Puget Sound District, UMC: Roots & Wings Church Leadership Training Workshops  
Roots & Wings is a Puget Sound District laity training opportunity. This year it will be hosted by three churches in the District. There will be some replication of workshops, but also workshops unique to each date. Laity can choose to attend one or all. They will be occurring in August, September, and October with different locations.

October 12, Roots & Wings, Faith UMC, Issaquah

Clallam Children’s Choir begins September 19!  
Help us get the word out by sharing our info with families. Information Sheets are available in the office, or have prospective singers call (360) 808-2475 or write to Joan at jreeveowens@gmail.com.  Let us know if you would like to volunteer to help with meals or in rehearsals.  Please pray for our invitation to reach families!  Thanks!

            We are moving our usual Friday TLC to a Saturday and invite those who normally can’t attend on Fridays. We have a variety of tasks that anyone can do.  Join in the fellowship of keeping our church in good shape.  Any questions, call Marsha Chatfield or Karen Eldridge.

Noisy Can Offering Sunday, September 29, 2024
Because food insecurity continues to be a serious concern in and around our community, the Sequim Food Bank has been chosen by our Missions team to receive our September Noisy Can Offering.
          For our friends who are new to Trinity UMC:  every month that has 5 Sundays, we take a Noisy Can Offering on that 5th Sunday.  (The noisy part comes from dropping coins into the cans as they are passed around.  We also welcome checks and cash.) 
          We thank you for your support!

 Blessing of the Animals Service, Next Sunday, Oct. 6, 1pm here at TUMC
In October, churches around the world celebrate something that St. Francis of Assisi started almost 800 years ago: blessing our animals.
         You are invited to bring your pet(s) to Trinity UMC, for them to receive a blessing October 6, 1 pm in the outdoor area in front of the church. Those whose pets have died may bring a picture of them, or name them, and we will offer a prayer of remembrance. You are encouraged to invite your friends to bring their pet(s). This will be a wonderful time of celebration and remembering. Please bring your pet(s) on a leash or in a carrier. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating our wonderful gifts from God with prayer and song. Pastor Desi Larson will lead the service, along with Trinity UMC musicians.

World Communion Sunday Special Offering Sunday, October 6
The World Communion Sunday offering provides scholarships and leadership development opportunities for international students and U.S. racial-ethnic students who are pursuing advanced degrees. Gifts not only make an impact in the lives of individual students, but also the religious, social and civic communities in which they lead and serve. Please prayerfully consider how you might support this special offering.

Harvest Celebration October 13
A harvest celebration, in the form of a baked potato bar, will be held immediately after the Sunday service on October 13. Reservations for the buffet-style meal, which will include LaVeta’s chili, apple cake and ice cream, will be taken after church in the fellowship hall on September 22, 29th, and October 6th. As you reserve your spot, there will be an opportunity to make a $5.00 donation to cover food costs. All are welcome.
This is the 133rd year of the Harvest Celebration!!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer for Tim’s Place Tim’s Place is continuing to grow quickly, and we are looking for more volunteers! If you are interested in learning how to become involved in this amazing program, please contact Rhonda Heyn at email: timsplacesequim@gmail.com or phone 360-461-3734.

Information Technology Manager
Is computing your forté? Do you love the challenge of working with software? Trinity has a rewarding position in IT waiting for you!

Sound Board Operator
Be a part of making worship happen! You will be extensively trained to operate the Sanctuary sound equipment before taking control of the dials. Apply today!

Assistant Facility Maintenance Manager
Do you like working with your hands, keeping the maintenance work flowing, but would rather stay out of the spotlight and away from meetings? Facility Maintenance might be your calling!

Tim’s Place Invoice Assistant
Work with Trinity’s computer and software to create participant invoices and enter payments. A rewarding behind-the-scenes position!