February 2024


February Circuit Rider newsletter | February Calendar


Ongoing Events

Women’s Bible Study (in-person)
Mondays, at 9:30 am. They will begin a new study January 6 entitled, Choose Joy: Because Happiness is not Enough, by Kay Warren. As people of faith is joy a given or is it a choice? What is the difference between happiness and joy? We welcome new participants and invite you to come explore and grow with us. Questions, please call Barb Parse.

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study (in-person)
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study. Breakfast is at 8:30 am on Mondays. The Bible Study begins at 9:30, and are studying: A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren. All men are welcome! Contact Jim Davis for information.

Morning Prayer Group meets Thursdays in the Disciple Room at 9:15 am.
Pastor Desi leads this prayer group which is for anyone who wishes to come. It has a simple structure and lasts 45 minutes.

Clallam Children’s Choir continues on Thursdays at 4:15pm
Help us get the word out by sharing our info with families. Information Sheets are available in the office, or have prospective singers call (360) 808-2475 or write to Joan at jreeveowens@gmail.com.  Let us know if you would like to volunteer to help with meals or in rehearsals.  Please pray for our invitation to reach families!  Thanks!


Upcoming Events:

UMC Scout Sunday, February 9 
We are happy to welcome Cub Scout Pack 4490 and Scout Troop 90 who will be joining us for worship at 10am. This is an annual event celebrating these young people who have called Trinity UMC home for their meetings and special events for many years.


Save the Date for the following events coming in March

Ash Wednesday Service With Imposition of Ashes
Wednesday, March 5, 1:00-1:30 p. m.
Join us as we begin the holy season of Lent with this service of repentance and reflection.  Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day marked by fasting, abstinence, and prayer. The Ash Wednesday service includes prayer, song, meditation, and imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance.

Meditation Haven with Music During Lent 
Each Wednesday during Lent, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5, our Sanctuary will become a quiet peaceful haven of self-reflection. This is a time for personal meditation, not a structured or led service. It is entirely self-directed, allowing individuals to engage in their own spiritual journey.

A sheet with appropriate Scripture will be available on the table as you enter to guide your reflection. The Meditation Haven will be open from 1:30 to 2:00 pm and we will practice silence, with no talking, during this time.

Gentle, meditative music will be provided by Trinity's organist, Pauline Olsen, with occasional contributions from other musicians. 
All Christians and seekers of God are warmly invited to make each Lenten Wednesday a sacred time for spiritual deepening. With
reverent music in the background, this is an opportunity to prepare your heart for Our Lord’s Passion and Resurrection.

Lenten Bible Study with Pastor Desi
Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m., March 5 – April 9
Everyone is welcome as we journey through Lent to Holy Week and Easter together with Bible study and reflection. Watch for
sign-up announcements and more detailed information in upcoming Sunday worship bulletins.

Sunshine Festival
Saturday, March 8, 2025
The Sunshine Festival is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 at the Guy Cole Center. Trinity United Methodist Church’s application to participate has been accepted! We will be assigned a 2-hour time slot. It’s a fun time to spend with kids! A few volunteers are needed to help. If you are interested, please contact Jan Kreidler at missions@sequimtumc.org

UMCOR Sunday – March 9th
(United Methodist Committee On Relief)
When disaster strikes around the globe (earthquakes, hurricanes, major floods, wildfires, etc.) UMCOR is prepared to act. Our generous gifts to the UMCOR Sunday Offering help cover UMCOR’s operating expenses, allowing 100% of our designated donations to get to those who need them most. Please give generously on March 9th. (For more information about UMCOR, go to: www.umcor.org .)

Note: Our TUMC volunteer team is going to UMCOR Depot in mid-March to help pack some of the kits that are sent around the world.


Employment Opportunity

Director of Music 
Job Opening - Immediate

Job Opportunity beginning in early 2025. Under the direction of the Pastor and Staff Parish Relations Committee, the Music Director upholds the values and supports the mission statement of Trinity United Methodist Church. In consultation with the Pastor, the Music Director sets the course of the music ministry and works with other music department staff members, volunteer singers and musicians, and the congregation to plan, execute, administer, and evaluate all aspects of the music ministry. The primary purpose of the music ministry of the church is to provide leadership in praising God in worship. The music ministry seeks to fulfill that purpose by encouraging congregational singing, choral, solo and ensemble selections, and the use of various instruments to create opportunities for a variety of kinds of musical expressions. This is a part-time position.

Qualified candidates must have the experience, skill, and training in music direction and performance as well as excellent leadership skills.

Please send cover letter, resume, and 2 references to Trinity United Methodist Church, c/o Tom Tift. PO Box 3697, Sequim, WA 98382 or via email to spr@sequimtumc.org. Please contact Tom directly for a full job description.


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer for Tim’s Place Tim’s Place is continuing to grow quickly, and we are looking for more volunteers! If you are interested in learning how to become involved in this amazing program, please contact Rhonda Heyn at email: timsplacesequim@gmail.com or phone 360-461-3734. Volunteer training will be on Monday, October 28.

Information Technology Manager
Is computing your forté? Do you love the challenge of working with software? Trinity has a rewarding position in IT waiting for you!

Sound Board Operator
Be a part of making worship happen! You will be extensively trained to operate the Sanctuary sound equipment before taking control of the dials. Apply today!

Assistant Facility Maintenance Manager
Do you like working with your hands, keeping the maintenance work flowing, but would rather stay out of the spotlight and away from meetings? Facility Maintenance might be your calling!

Tim’s Place Invoice Assistant
Work with Trinity’s computer and software to create participant invoices and enter payments. A rewarding behind-the-scenes position!